Hello people. How's life?Gonnamake this a long post.. hehe..
Sigh. It's been raining these few days.
Last time, i used to love rainy days. Cause it's the best time to take a nap, don't even need to turn on the fan at all. Haha, go green man. It's the best weather especially for a hot climate like the one in Singapore.
But now it's a totally different case... because i cannot go play basketball on rainy days, not even jogging. So all i can do is to slack at home. Man that sucks man. Slack also will slack until cannot take it anymore right... sigh :\
Let's see ... recently... nothing much.. All I've been doing is playing the computer, basketball-ing or jogging at night.
Haha, maybe you're wondering why I am suddenly jogging. Well, i've got to train my stamina. Sometimes i can get real tired easily while playing basketball, so of course i've gotta train my stamina.
To say the truth, jogging at night is a pretty fun thing to do.
Somehow, it can get one to think at the same time as he or she jogs. I don't know about you guys but i think a lot.
Besides that, it can also be a good chance to learn to motivate yourself ;]
When you tend to get tired, you will feel like stopping. Now that's when you tell yourself to continue running. Set some goals for yourself, no matter what, the LEAST you can do is to finish half a round before taking a rest. Set yourself some targets, run 3 rounds? Run 4 rounds? Make sure you complete your targets. That's how one person will improve. That of course applies to life :]
Nowadays i'm really wondering whether i have any chances of making it into the team.. To say the truth i'm losing confidence. I wonder how i will react if i don't make it, which will most likely happen of course.. Oh well, all fate i guess? Haha, no matter what, i still have to give it my best shot right? Oh well, gotta motivate myself :]
Shows shows.... Yes, there's one i'm watching on tv. 'ToGetHer' <愛就宅一起> on channel U, premiering the same time as Taiwan does.
Mars (Jiro Wang) is a superstar whose popularity went downhill after a series of negative publicity. His finances went into red alert and he had to find a place to live. He ended up renting a place from Mo Mo (Rainie Yang), his agoraphobic homebody landlord. He befriended her and her childhood friend Jia Sen (George Hu), a swimming captain with the intelligence of an 8-year-old.
Well, maybe fordrama lovers, they'd probably feel that this plot is pretty normal. For me, I am more interested in finding out how the relationship develops. One guy used to be a famous superstar while the girl is an Otaku (People who are obsessed with animes and mangas). Seriously i can't figure out how they willturn out. Haha, that's for me to watch and find out.Here's the ending song,默默 by 飛輪海.
Although i always feel that they can't really sing that well.. I have to admit this song is pretty nice and soothing. Oh well, enjoy :]Anyway, the poly enrolment thing is really damn troublesome. Tomorrow need to print out some papers so that i can do the medical check-up on Monday. Sigh, TROUBLESOME but no choice.
I've been thinking, if i become successful in the future or maybe as a real interior designer... I really want to help theunfortunate or orphanages. Not really boasting or anything.. but it makes me feel happy to see othershappy too. I'm sure some of you feel the same too ;] Oh well, still too early to make any promises. Let'sjust see how things go shall we.
Saying and doing are two totally different things. I may say so but actually it's just been a lie. Maybe i'm just running away and lying to myself? Still.. lying to myself may just be the best thing to do. Time heals all.. right? So let it be then. Let it be.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ Now... Don't ever go JOGGING on wet floors!
Yo people!
What's up? Haha, well look at my title and u will understand. Yes... I just got myself more injuries -.-
Just came back from jogging... Damn i'm so injury-prone. Thought maybe the rain stop, floor drying up, it would be fine... But NOOOOOOOO, i still fell down :\
Recently got my own toe injured... just as it was healing... now i get more injuries... BUT No worries man! I still can play basketball! Earlier on didn't play because of the rain. Tomorrow is my break, gonna read books and play basketball!
Look at my injuries T.T
Damn it, curses and curses!
Me: Eh eh, my injuries got a bit dirt inside... how arh?
My Maid: Alamak... haiyo *takes a pair of scissors*
Me: *Stares* WHAAAAT??! *Walks away instantly*
My Maid: *Pulls me back* Noooo! Look the other side! Must take out!
Wah... dirt in my wounds... HOW NICE T.T
Well well... lesson of the day..? Don't ever go jogging on wet floors!
Haiz... Kay that's all people... Ciao!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ Just for Fun
Yo people.
Job was fine, quite boring. Not many customers once lunch time was over. So i just tried finding things to do all the way till i'm free to go home. Hehe, pretty slack huh.
Oh well, the enrolment forms are killing me! Especially the part about financial scheme! Damn cheeem can?!
Oh well, gotta get them done or i can kiss my ass goodbye to TP. And still need to do medical checkup somemore. Alison you're right, the whole thing is damn troublesome -.-"
Oh well, more work tomorrow. AND hopefully, i get back on the court tomorrow!
What mental disorder do you have?
Your Result: Manic Depressive
You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.
I AM A MANAIC! AHAHAH! okay, that's all, ciao people!
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ Snap out of it.
Yo people..
Did nothing much today..
Stayed at home. Watch shows, play games, watch shows, play games. Sigh, because of my injured toe, i have to take a rest today. If not it might start bleeding again =/
Anyway, i should be able to get back on the court soon... like maybe tomorrow or wednesday? That's good news man. Seriously wondering if i can make it to the team.. i can't judge my present standard now. Playing outdoors with strangers is going to be a total different feeling from playing a formal match. I know nothing about plays. I know nothing that pressure to be felt on the court. I bear no experience. Sigh. I better buck up. Play better and better. Only expect the best from myself, that's the way to improve.
On the other hand.. i wonder about school.. hmmm.. What kind of friends will i meet? Hmmm.. since it's a design school... I'm sure i will see lots of weird hairdos... My impression of people in design areas are more... exotic and wild? Haa! I'm looking forward to a better school life too.. Enjoyable, fun, not much frustration.. Yup, that's what i want for my Poly life :)
Well. that's it people. Ciao!
Hmmm... I wonder... are there any ways to forget the past and just let go...?
Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ Now... Shoes ARE important.
Yo people..
Fancy me blogging in the middle of the night... now it's like 3am in the morning.. and you know the reason why? Because i hit my injured toe against the wall when i was already asleep and that stinging pain just shook me awake.. Sigh... so much for my beauty sleep... In any case, i will just blog about today and then return to sleep..
Today was good. Well simple and enjoyable (except for getting that injured toe that is... =/) Went over to Ban's area for basketball and to have dinner with his family later on. Played at CC at first and then, went over to another court to play and got my injured toe... I will show you the picture.
WARNING. Viewer Discretion. If you happen to be consuming food or drinking water, please finish them and swallow them before seeing the picture. It's pretty gory.
Disgusting right.. NO BENNY, I AM NOT REFERRING TO MY TOENAILS -.-" In any case, it's damn pain... istill wondering if i can play later on during evening.. i want to play -.-
Okie Dokie, enough of the that disgusting picture.. Then, we headed over to Ban's house to have a quick bath and then headed for the kopi-tiam. For dinner, we had Botak Jones. Tiong Hang, did you open that shop?
Wah, the whole meal cost us 60 over dollars and auntie (Ban's mother) treat me sia. THANK YOU AUNTIE!!! I order Carjun Chicken set and swope 1 piece of the chicken for Ban's Black Pepper Chicken. Apparently we took the large set ($14) and damn it was so filling. Both of us almost couldn't finish the meal -.- I tell you i can tahan all the way till dinner time without eating... man... Then, we had desserts. Ban took the Carrot Cake while i took Chocolate Sensation.
First up... CHOCOLATE SENSATION! it's actually just brownie but it cost $4.50.. warh..
Next up... CARROT CAKE! Looks pretty good huh, like vanilla cream coated over it.. Yummy :]
Ban eating the cake.. the eyes look scary don't they 0.o
Now, Ban posing to eat like L. Haha, still as fanatic as before. Tsk tsk..
Then, after dinned, headed home and finally got the mail from Temasek Polytechnic. I flipped through the booklet and saw a small picture of their school basketball team! Damn I want to be part of the team.. gotta work hard man! If i get in, i shall wear that jersey and go back school boast boast a bit XD. that is if i get in of course..
Okay that's all people! Gotta sleep now and play ball later. My injured toe ain't gonna stop me! Lesson of the day, shoes ARE important!
Ciao People!
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ Fantastic.. well pretty.. Friday
Except that during lunch time, it was a killer -.-
Customers just flood in like mad! Whole restaurant full and i think all the way till near 3pm then they started clearing the place.
First up was early in the morning, 7 koreans came in. To say the truth, i'm damn scared of handling koreans. This is korean restaurant so if i screwed up, wah.. i tell u. The managers will probably chop me up into pieces and add to the kimchi soup.. - . -
Next were 7 ladies... wah, i hate large crowd - - They always eat until damn dirty and then have to bring one whole bucket to clear up their "mess". 1 bucket leh - . - Anyway, everything was fine today and time flew pass damn fast cause it was damn busy o.0
Didn't play basketball today, needed a break. But tomorrow and sunday MUST continue. Cannot slack off. Cannot cannot cannot.
Recently reading up on a book call, "Coaching Basketball".. Although it's meant for coaches, the book is AWESOME. It teaches not only things about basketball but also moral values and sportsmanship. It's as thick as biology book man, 400+ pages..!! Probably making a trip to the library tomorrow again.
By the way, got news from sir Kelvyn that TK NPCC got gold unit.. I was like... for real...? Thanks to the achievements in CC competition and also Guo Jun's batch for winning the Project Comm, we got the gold unit award again. Woots! Congrats people! Thanks to our CIs and Trainers too! Thank you :)
Well thats all people, Ciao!
Thursday, February 19, 2009 @ Sian, sian and just sian.
Hey People... it's me again..
haha, don't really know what to say today. Just DAMN SIAN.
Recently at work, i screwed up again.. i feel like swearing whenever i think about it. Nvm, must control my temper.
I've worked there for at least more than a month or near 2 months already and yet i'm still making mistakes.. Urgh why the fish is that happening?? luckily my boss never screw me upside down, even if he bui song he just kept quiet.
Somemore tomorrow got work again, thinking about it just make me damn sian.. argh, feel like screaming my lungs out..!!
People always say learn from your mistakes.. learn from your mistakes.. I tried that and i still make mistakes?! argh when will i ever stop being clumsy...?
Basketball for me is just so inconsistent. At times i'm okay, at times i'm not. Come on, if i wanna be good i need to be consistent right..? I can't even do something as simple as that? What is wrong with me o.0
But in any case i cannot expect results too soon, it takes time to know the results. I just need to hang on i guess... Hang on.
Normally at times like this i will be able to motivate myself to just get over it, be happy and just do better and make improvements. Right now i have no idea why i can't even do that.. O.0
Oh come on.. when will i ever ever be happy and cheerful like others..? Sometimes it's like no matter how hard i tried, it just won't happen. Argh, why's all this shit happening...
But i still need to cheer up lah.. there are others in situations worst than mine, why the heck am i even whining about mine?
Okay, cheer up man. Cheer up!!Past is past, present is present.
Okay, let's hope everything goes well soon. Ciao people!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ Some things just don't go.
Hello people.
Nothing much about today. Went off to work early this morning and reached homw around 4+. Then, i went downstairs to play basketball with a lot of people. Haha man they were tough. Now i know i've got so much more to do in order to be a better player.
Then, i got home, took a quick bath and had dinner. After that, i tried to slice fruits on my own and man they turned out... well... ****. Haha looking at their thickness can't stop amusing me XD
Now, now.. one thing's for sure. Culinary-related jobs aren't for me man, that's pretty sad to know though O.0
But hey, a man still need to know this simple stuff right, then next time my wife will be in luck... cause i will be able to help out mah XD. kay, enough of bad humor, shaun is still the best joker i know!
Kay that's all for today people! Ciao!
i tried so many times.. i struggled. I really did. But i don't know about you. You never told me anything, how you feel, what you really want... all you could say was that someday i will understand...? those past memories often came reflecting back into my mind.. to tell you the truth, the first thing i always feel is that feeling of hurt and regret. No point saying so much now, i know it's all over. But why can't i let it go..? What the hell is wrong with me?! Nowadays i keep having dreams whenever i sleep, and i've already dreamt of you 4 times already.. Seriously, i don't wanna dream anymore.. No more please. I struggled for 3 weeks and to others, it really is a dumb thing to do.
Get over it, get over it!" That's all they could tell me.
Sometimes, i do feel it t"hat way.. I even wanted to hate you, i want to hate you for makingme feel so tormented and leaving me in this freaking state.. but you know what? Despite all these thoughts coming in, i still can't let go. I told many i've already gotten over it yet i'm still thinking... Someone told me before, that i deserved better. But to me, it's the other way round.
Maybe you deserve better. Ever since that day, i'm slowly starting to realize how much more i can do for myself. What i am supposed to focus on. Now i'm starting to set my own goals. For that, thank you.. At times when i looked at your blog secretly, i have the feeling you're changing, in a bad way. I still worry for you, not wanting you to change into a different person.. But now i can no longer be that person to take care of you. I no longer have that right to be that person. Just hope that you will do well on your own.. Be that person i used to love. I will stick to that... You deserve someone better. Now no more emo-ing Yong Xi. Past is past, present is present. You've got better things to do!
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ All-star game 2009
hello people.
well i didn't really do much today so nothing much to blog about. i will just talk about all-star match which i watched earlier on this morning.
so let's see... this year's all star match was held at US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona, home of the Phoenix Suns(a NBA franchise).
well, the results.. 146 to 119, the WEST totally owned the EAST this year. it was pretty exciting with some damn awesome plays from them. now let me show u some clips of their awesome plays..
that was the Give and Go excuted by Shaq along with Chris Paul. this was rather amusing.. i mean, look at shaq playing the point man XD!
now this is another awesome play, this time, by Kobe Bryant. if you look carefully at the close-up, you will be able to see that at the moment as LeBron tried to block Bryant, Bryant pulled it back and dunked the ball in again, doing a double clutch dunk. haha look at that hang time... whoa..
lastly, that was the dunk by lebron as the match was nearing the end. just to entertain the audience, they decided to let lebron do a fancy dunk and it turned out to be a pretty good one :]
well that's about all for all-star game 2009. if u want more amazing plays just check out the nba website for videos, they have them all there.
hmmm.. thoughts for today...? let's see... nothing much except for what i want to focus on now.. 1) studies, i tell u, interior design is really not easy.. hope i can cope. 2) basketball.. aim is to make it to the team. hopefully i can make it lor. 3) be a better person, haha, sounds rather stupid. turning 17 this year loh, time to grow up!
well that's it people, more work this coming week and more basketball! ciao people!
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ Just another weekend.
Hello people.. today is sunday.. a break for everyone.
Well nothing much for today except playing basketball from 4+ all the way till around 9pm liddat. Well its just 5 hours la, nothing much.
Played with the people there and hmmm.. shooting went haywire again. o.0 Darn it..
Banjamin, ivan and my cousin joined me as well. Everything was fine until towards evening we played against a group of china guys... haiz. They were okay except for one short guy who was like.. so cheeky and hyperactive, making rather ridiculous shots and getting them to fall.. wakao makes me rather sian.. Then, i got hit in the face by the ball twice when they tried to make passes but its fine since i still kept my cool. Its just probably that short guy making me sian as he anyhow play -.-
think i'm improving but i have tons and tons of work to do to make myself even better.
during one of the breaks i went to relax at one corner of the community centre.. arhh, nothing feels better than watching a relaxing sunset and feeling the night breeze:]
hmmm... anyway, the only thoughts i have for today were about basketball... Heard a lot of times already that acutally... many players do dirty play during matches and hearing that really makes me sad. Its like an insult to the game. play fair and square, be a good sportsman. is that so hard? i don't intend to play dirty as i want to respect the sports but i guess sooner or later i will understand that. its either u dirty play back or they dirty play and you get injured.. sigh. so saddening..
In any case, as i mentioned before.. the picture of the splendilicious cake!(taken from jinyi blog)
the figure 18 was done by fendy.. wah i still can't believe he managed to do it..
well, nothing much to say for today.. oh well, buck up bah, be better and better in basketball!
thats all, ciao people!
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 14th February
Yo People!
First of all, HAPPY VALENTINES'S DAY to each and every one of the couples out there!
Haha. Still, to those single people out there, don't be sad man! Valentine's day can also be celebrated with friends and families too. It ain't just about relationships, it's more about hanging with your loved ones ;] So lighten up abit people!
Well, back to what happened earlier on today...
Spent the whole day out with Fendy, Audy, Gwen to celebrate Jin Yi's birthday. Haha, most credit goes to Fendy for putting in so much effort on planning (Miss Kuang gave a 4.5 out of 10 pts for that though... -.-) Anyway, thanks Fendy! We met up, ordered the cake first and then waited for YOUR HIGHNESS (Miss Kuang) to arrived at about 2+ then we went off to bowling. Haha, despite our lousy playing.. I still managed to win Fendy in the end! Die Die must mention is that Fendy has a weird style of releasing.. He kinda swing his arm from the right like throwing the ball like that... while normal people swing it straight. Weird huh. Means he's not normal lahhhh!
Then, we sat down on the breakwater and played some stupid games. Soo darn stupid that the 4 of them could get it while i couldn't.. o.0 Damn it, doesn't mean I'm dumb, it's just that they are full of nonsense XD
Next, we went off to rent bikes for 2 hours. Haha, I disturbed the girls by riding beside them and singing to them. BUT they were unappreciative, HELLO... MY SEXY MANLY VOICE LEH. Give face abit lahh... okay i'm just joking! :P So, i had no choice (since they ignored me) but to speed up and ride beside Fendy lor.
Halfway through, Fendy and I had to leave for Parkway to collect the very nice cake called 'Chocolate Exotic' and then return to ECP again to set up and prepare the surprise for Jin Yi. Somehow she expected it so that explained the 4.5 points out of 10 points for planning huh :/ Anyway, i will upload the pics of the splendilicious(anyhow whack lahh) cake soon.
Unfortunately, while returning the bikes... one of my slippers kena damaged and so I had to buy a new one which was smaller than my feet size.. -.- Haha, then I decided to swope with Audy for her white and pinkish flowery slippers. Eh, it feels comfortable, seriously!
Then, we left at about 8.45pm after clearing up and left for Parkway once again. We sat down outside Roxy Square and started chatting. It was fun though, talking about how each of us are doing now and... some gossips. Haha, once in a while gossip is fine lah! :]
Then, finally it was time to go home.
Some thoughts for today... Well, people emo easily at our age. It's fine to go through that process but don't dwell over it for too long. Remember.. life doesn't wait for you, you have to make the right move and do the right thing. And that right thing to do is to move on and make improvements. You may find that people don't understand how you feel but actually you can look at it from a different point of view. In a way, you should see how it would affect people around you and how it affects you yourself. When you emo, people who care about you get worried. Do you want your loved ones to worry for you? When you emo, people around you starts shunning away from you. Would you rather be alone than to have friends supporting you? When you emo, you won't be happy, won't ever. Would you rather be happy or be sad and emotional over things?
Haha, well, think about it people. Emo is fine and we all know it takes time to heal. But to solve a problem is to face up to it and to face it is to move on. Learn to get over emotional things when you have to. Be optimistic. So emo people cheer up yo! :]
Well, i tend to think alot about random stuff, but you can choose to ignore them. I just feel like typing them out.
That's it for today people. More basketball tomorrow! Woots! CIAO AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
Friday, February 13, 2009 @ 1st Post!
Yo people!
Haha first post here so make it a lengthy one! woots!!
okay so let's see..
many people have already schooling in JCs and so i can't meet alot of them anymore.. but of course, haha im not that emotional and sad over it yet. talk about cold-blooded huh.. o.0
but of course, i've still got things to do during this time all the way till mid-april then polytechnic starts schooling.
Mainly i'm either working, playing basketball or either going to library to read (don't be surprised hor, i read too :])
firstly, about working... working about 2-3 times per week. haha lets go into further details shall we..
the reason i have to work is not only because im free... its all started from a piece of paper, stating that the phone bill is about $500+... WHAT THE HELL?? because of that, the hard-earnedpay from all the working ever since Os ended had all gone to waste and therefore i have to work even more to pay my first semester school fees. Haha talk about being unlucky... :/
next. basketball. haha well, i'm playing whenever i'm free in orderto improve myself. and to get into a poly basketball team would be nearly impossible for me, thus the more i should practise huh.
to say the truth, i love the game alot and thats the only thing i can do.. so i can't give it up now :] btw for hoops fans, tmr is ALL-STAR WEEKEND for nba too :]
haha, lastly... been to library once already. borrowed books on basketball and interior design.
MAN i tell u this course is not gonna be easy... so many details to take note of.. -.-
gonna make my 2nd trip to the library soon, hehe.
now for those who's been bored and are interested in watching cantonese dramas... i suggest "ALWAYS READY"(隨時候命) on channel u every mon-fri at 10pm. haha i just finished watching it recently and its pretty nice.. maybe cause there are things in the show which kinda relates to me... nvm. haha so catch it if u want. its really not a bad show :]
oh yeah... btw... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO JIN YI haha 18 years old, young adult already hor, better be more mature!
oh well, thats about all... more basketball this weekend and next week, woots!! thats all people!